Inaugural Address by President Barack Obama
文章中使用了非常多的重複句型 , 並且引用許多名言佳句 , 語氣簡潔有力 , 文法時態清楚明瞭 , 目標明確 , 前後呼應 , 是非常適合作為高階英文教材的一篇演講文
Inaugural Address by President Barack Obama
文章中使用了非常多的重複句型 , 並且引用許多名言佳句 , 語氣簡潔有力 , 文法時態清楚明瞭 , 目標明確 , 前後呼應 , 是非常適合作為高階英文教材的一篇演講文
英文教育最好的啟蒙時機是甚麼時候 ? 當然是嬰幼兒時期囉 ! 一定要花大錢買CD教材給寶貝聽嗎 ? 其實不用 , 父母的聲音加上不斷重複朗誦就可以給寶貝奠定穩固的英文基礎喔 ! 小Eu老師自編的26個英文字母韻文 , 讓寶貝輕鬆打好英文基礎喔 ~
1. A A A . a a a , A a "apple"
Dreaming is a formation of large images. But why people dream? Today, people can understand only a little. When you are dreaming, your eyes turn quickly and sometimes there will be some physical activities. Human are not the only creature that will dream, some mammals and birds will dream as well. Scientists calculate the time which people spend on each dream and on their lifetime. People spend about two hours dreaming while sleeping, and it will spend about six years dreaming in their total lifetime. There will be good dreams and bad dreams. Some people think that dreaming must represent a certain meaning, so they try to interpret them. However, some dreams will make you feel very strange, too.
My English Learning Experience
Since I was borne, I haven’t had many chances to learn English until I went to the elementary school. I was a slow-learner, and I still am. To learn a single vocabulary was hard for me, I needed a lot of time as well as the non-stop assistance of my English teacher. I really didn’t like English because my English was so poor.
When I went to the junior high school, there were English classes again. I couldn’t be concentrate during the class, so most of the time I just fell asleep or skipped the class. Therefore, I only guessed for the answers when it came to my English tests. And F is the only score I would get. My schoolwork performance got worse and worse, and the key point was that I hated English so much. Before I went to the senior high school, I found a cram school to learn some basic English such as the 26 alphabets.
1. 甚麼是網路全民英檢 NETPAW ? 「全民網路英語能力檢定」NETPAW 為教育部配合行政院『挑戰2008年-國家發展重點計劃』,專案補助中華民國多媒體英語文教學學會 ROCMELIA 所研發,並由國內外語文、電腦、美學等跨領域專家學者共同參與,目前全國包括國立臺灣大學、國立臺灣師範大學、國立政治大學、國立陽明大學、國立台北大學、國立台北師範學院、國立台北商業技術學院、國立台北護理學院、國立中央大學、國立清華大學、國立中興大學、國立台中師範學院、國立台中技術學院、國立彰化師範大學、國立雲林科技大學、國立虎尾科技大學、國立嘉義大學、國立中正大學、國立成功大學、國立台南大學、國立高雄師範大學、國立高雄大學、國立高雄海洋科技大學、國立屏東師範學院、國立屏東商業技術學院、國立東華大學、國立花蓮師範學院、國立台東大學等逾三千所各級學校學生,人數已逾兩萬人報名參加全民網路英檢,為最具權威、最有公信力的英檢。 |
讓學生愛上上課 , 除了老師的個人魅力及教學技巧外 , 一個舒適且活潑的學習環境 , 也會讓學生對老師的教學內容”感同身受”, 並進一步引發其學習動機喔 !
教室佈置的方式百百種 , 要著重的地方大大小小數不完 , 但有幾個重點是可以快速長握的 :
1. 基本型佈置法
孩子能夠擁有傲人的雙語 , 甚至三語能力是家長們的期望與希望 , 為此投入的心力與金錢更不在話下 !
小Eu老師最近遇到幾位詢問英語相關課程的家長 , 她們提出來以下幾點問題 :
1. 是外籍老師上課的嗎 ? 不是外籍都教不好 ! 而且要白皮膚的 , 黑人我不要 !
My Unforgettable Memory
Every Tuesday afternoon, at 4 o’clock sharp. I always show up at the main entrance of Quay Lin elementary school to wait for my daughter. Looking at my daughter, who wears the pretty pink dress with joyful smile on her face, runs to me and yields with a loud, quick voice, “ Quickly, quickly, Mom. Let’s go to the farm.” With a smile, I reply, “Ok, Let’s go!”
Dreaming is a formation of large images. But why people dream? Today, people can understand only a little. When you are dreaming, your eyes turn quickly and sometimes there will be some physical activities. Human are not the only creature that will dream, some mammals and birds will dream as well. Scientists calculate the time which people spend on each dream and on their lifetime. People spend about two hours dreaming while sleeping, and it will spend about six years dreaming in their total lifetime. There will be good dreams and bad dreams. Some people think that dreaming must represent a certain meaning, so they try to interpret them. However, some dreams will make you feel very strange, too.