My English Learning Experience
Since I was borne, I haven’t had many chances to learn English until I went to the elementary school. I was a slow-learner, and I still am. To learn a single vocabulary was hard for me, I needed a lot of time as well as the non-stop assistance of my English teacher. I really didn’t like English because my English was so poor.
When I went to the junior high school, there were English classes again. I couldn’t be concentrate during the class, so most of the time I just fell asleep or skipped the class. Therefore, I only guessed for the answers when it came to my English tests. And F is the only score I would get. My schoolwork performance got worse and worse, and the key point was that I hated English so much. Before I went to the senior high school, I found a cram school to learn some basic English such as the 26 alphabets.
After I went to the senior high school, I knew for sure that my English would get F again. I had to do the make up tests every time. I determined to save my poor English, but it was too late for me to do anything about it. Fortunately, I put a lot of efforts to become the student ofI-ShouUniversitywhen I graduated from my senior high school. After that, I started planning my time and found an English tutor to help my English. Due to my slow-learning, I have to review and get a good sleep before the English class. Moreover, knowing how to control myself and being focus during the class are important, too. To keep the balance between my job and English learning is not easy, but I am happy. Finally, I learn how to use the phonics skills to spell the words I don’t know.
However, I find out what I have learned is not enough for me to handle my English class in the University. I need to keep working on it, especially on the grammar part. Time flies, the midterm comes quickly. I tried very hard to prepare. Unfortunately, I still got a F. I know I already try my best and I will not give up English easily because of this failure.
Although I am a slow-learner, I promise I will work harder in the field of English and never give up.